"The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it." (James Bryce)

Saturday, December 23, 2017

THE THIN MAN (Dasiell Hammett)

I would like to say that I enjoyed The Thin Man, but I really didn'tThis was the December selection for the Christie Capers Mystery Book Club and I was looking forward to it.  When I began reading I found the banter and numerous characters (not to mention the constant imbibing of alcohol) confusing, so I went to YouTube and watched about 10 minutes worth of clips from The Thin Man movies series.  I had never seen them before, so it was helpful to get a better idea of the characters and how they function.  Truth be told, though, this turned out not to be particularly helpful in the long run.

Nick and Norah Charles are a wealthy, hard-drinking husband and wife.  Nick is a former private detective who retired to run his wife's family business.  Norah is much younger.  They are visiting New York City in 1932 when Nick is asked to investigate a murder. 

I retrospect, the story itself is interesting, full of surprising twists and turns and devious characters.  I liked this about it.  I also like the unexpected twists at the end.  However, I didn't meet any characters that I actually liked.  All of them, even Nick and Norah, seemed ethically questionable and unappealing.  I think they were probably more likable in the movies!  For me, there has to be at least one sympathetic character who you root for as the story progresses.  I didn't find that here.  I know this is a classic, but I just couldn't get into it.

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